Big news!!!

The SEC may appeal the XRP programmatic sales ruling in the Ripple case

The SEC may launch an appeal, and the future of XRP is still undecided!

In August, the long legal journey of Ripple and XRP suddenly saw the light of day, but it was shrouded in the shadow of the SEC's possible appeal. A former SEC lawyer revealed that the agency was indignant about the recent ruling, pointing out that the judgment that programmatic sales were not securities was "wrong and illegal", and vowed to put the appeal on the agenda. This means that the fate of XRP has once again been pushed into an unknown abyss.

Although Judge Torres's sword has cut off the shackles of institutional sales of securitization, the exemption ruling for programmatic sales has become a thorn in the eyes of the SEC. As the October 7 deadline for appeal approaches, every move of the SEC affects the nerves of the entire crypto world.

The XRP community has mixed emotions, with both cheers for victory and worries about the unknown. Lawyer Jeremy Hogan was even more outspoken, mocking the SEC's stubbornness and questioning whether it has deviated from its original intention of protecting investors and promoting the capital market.

Although Ripple's chief legal officer has announced victory in the battle and the SEC has even apologized for its misjudgment, the fruits of victory do not seem to be stable. Both sides are holding the sword of appeal, and the 60-day countdown has become a battle of psychology and strategy.

At this moment, the future of XRP is no longer a simple black and white, but full of variables and possibilities. Will the SEC turn the tide, or will Ripple have the last laugh? Everything will be revealed after the decisive appeal deadline. The eyes of the crypto world are closely watching this legal battle that may rewrite history!