There are risks in the cryptocurrency world, so be cautious when withdrawing money

If you make 1 million U in the cryptocurrency world, will the bank check your bank account?

If you make a small amount of money in the cryptocurrency world and want to withdraw it to the bank, the bank will definitely ask curiously: "Where did you get this money?"

To be honest, a friend of mine has been asked three times in his personal experience! He started out in the "BitChina" camp, although it is now a thing of the past. At that time, Bitcoin was still a rudimentary 2,500 yuan per coin, and my friend happened to be doing a thriving e-commerce business and had plenty of money on hand.

Unexpectedly, it went all the way to 7,000+! I tried to withdraw money, and the supervision was not so tight at that time, but the bank still called. When I answered the phone, the other party asked about my household registration, from how many acres of land I had at home to how many cows I had in the field, and even asked about my ancestors for 18 generations. Haha, it was just "bullshit"!

Finally, the style suddenly changed: "Sir, we have a great financial product here..." I was stunned and thought: This turn is also drunk!

Later, it was not so easy. I heard that card freezing incidents occurred frequently, and everyone learned their lesson and took many preventive measures. In the past few years, it was frozen only once, and it was solved by going to the bank counter.

From experience, as long as you don't touch the muddy water of USDT, you can basically keep safe. There is a lot of black money in USDT, and funds must be handled "calmly". In addition, convert it into US dollars and remit it directly to a foreign currency account. This trick is the most effective!

In this way, not only can you jump out of the domestic financial system and enjoy the dividends of the appreciation of the US dollar, but it is also convenient for overseas consumption. I have tried more than a dozen large amounts, and they are all OK.

Let me reveal a little secret to you: the account of a foreign trade company is a "small backdoor" of foreign exchange control. Acquiring a mature foreign trade company, the road to currency speculation is unimpeded, and cross-border brick-moving is also much easier.

In short, there are risks in the currency circle, and withdrawals need to be cautious, but there are always more ways than difficulties!