[Global financial assets exploded! What conspiracy is hidden behind the Fed's interest rate cut? ]

Brothers, as soon as the Fed cut interest rates, the global market was like a shot of chicken blood. Bitcoin broke through 65,000, gold hit a new high, US stocks continued to rise, and even China's A-shares suddenly exploded because of the policy! Is there a conspiracy of the banker behind this? Today we will analyze this phenomenon and find out the real reason behind it.

First of all, we have to admit that the Fed's interest rate cut is indeed a loose market fund, which has brought about a general rise in asset prices. This is a typical market reaction. Bitcoin, gold, US stocks, A-shares, etc. have become their first choice.

But is it really that simple behind this?

1. The conspiracy of the banker: creating the illusion of prosperity?

The Fed's interest rate cut itself is a very strong positive signal. With the rise in global asset prices, it is entirely possible for the banker to take the opportunity to create the illusion of prosperity and attract more retail investors to enter the market for harvesting.

2. Policy "joint action": tacit cooperation of central banks of various countries

Have you noticed that it is not only the United States that is cutting interest rates, but also the central banks of major economies such as China, Europe, and Japan are also adopting loose monetary policies. This "tacit understanding" may not be accidental. The global central banks are jointly releasing water. Is this synchronized action preparing for the next financial crisis? Or is it to deal with some deeper financial risks?

3. "Coincidence" of market capital flows

Bitcoin, gold, US stocks, and A shares are almost rising at the same time, but is the capital flow between these markets really a natural flow, or is it deliberately guided by some big funds? Especially in the case of a sudden explosion of A shares, is there an influx of foreign capital, and then wait for the opportunity to ship at a high level?

How to deal with this phenomenon?

We must always stay awake:

1. Find targets with actual value and growth potential, and allocate assets reasonably

2. Risk management: Set a good stop loss

3. Diversified investment: Don't put all the funds in the same basket, maintain the diversity of the investment portfolio

Brothers, what do you think? Is there a conspiracy behind this? Come and discuss with me in the comments section!

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