Ever since the Fed started cutting interest rates, some Vs have been trying to attract attention by writing articles like "the financial war is over, we have won"...

First, please ask these illiterate self-media to read the entire book "Unrestricted Warfare" before you come up with your conclusions. Otherwise, it will be a joke.

2. The financial war will not be won unless these shorts are defeated!

The feeling I have today is very similar to the process in 1998 when Soros tried to short Hong Kong and was repelled by our battle to defend Hong Kong.

At that time, before the option settlement date on August 28, 1998, Soros and a group of international speculators engaged in a series of desperate games with the Hong Kong government, which had the backing of the motherland's massive foreign exchange reserves.

And today, it can be clearly felt that starting from 1 o'clock in the trading session, a group of short sellers represented by CITIC, Morgan and others began to frantically dump the market from this moment on.

They must have taken too many short positions and couldn't hold on after these two days. After-hours data confirmed this:

"CITIC Futures' short orders surged today, with a net purchase of 7,166 short orders, and the total net short orders of CITIC Futures were -85,634 lots."

However, CITIC responded: The company's futures brokerage does not have proprietary business, so the trading volume and positions of CITIC Futures, whether long or short, are all agency client transactions.

Why today? See picture:

Why did I post CITIC? See the picture

Although CITIC started to release opinions and manage expectations a week ago... it's too early to expose your thoughts...

Therefore, if we don’t defeat these short sellers, the financial war will not be won!

Financial warfare is not only a game with external forces, but also a confrontation with internal forces at critical moments.

3. When will the consensus expectations of retail investors be correct?

This view does not come from me, but from institutions, and also from objective data: Chinese retail investors account for 90%, and institutions account for 10%.

what does that mean?

①The tools in the pocket are different:

Retail investors are exposed nakedly in front of institutions, but institutions have 72 magic weapons in their pockets to deal with you.

② Consistent expectations create reverse harvesting tools:

When 10% of the combined efforts are used to manage expectations for 90% of the expectations——

This 90% consensus expectation has formed a market effect in itself, while creating a reverse harvesting tool! It further triggers the power of capital to take action and harvest this consistency!