Black swan events in the currency circle, which pits have you stepped on and made you unforgettable!

1. Mentougou incident in 2014

Although I was not directly involved in it, as a bystander, I witnessed the tragic scene of Bitcoin price plummeting 80% due to the collapse of MTGOX exchange. This incident not only hit the market confidence hard, but also planted deep doubts in my heart about the security of cryptocurrency exchanges.

2. September 4th incident in 2017

As an eyewitness, I witnessed the shocking scene of the cryptocurrency market evaporating 80% of its market value in just a few days. That storm made me deeply realize the cruelty and ruthlessness of the market, and also inspired me to pay attention to and learn about risk management.

3. March 12th incident in 2020

The Ethereum in my hand was not spared, and the price once plummeted to below $80. At that moment, the panic and uncertainty of the market made me feel unprecedented pressure, but it was this experience that made me more determined to believe in the long-term value of cryptocurrency.

4. The May 19 incident in 2021

Although I did not directly participate in contract trading, many of my friends suffered heavy losses. The tragic situation of the 600,000 contract dogs bursting made me realize that leveraged trading in the cryptocurrency market is a double-edged sword, which can bring high returns but also make people lose everything overnight.

5. The Luna Black Swan Incident in 2022

As one of the market participants, I deeply felt the huge risks and uncertainties contained in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi). This incident not only caused the price of Luna coins to plummet, but also triggered a crisis of trust in the entire DeFi market

6. As for the FTX explosion in 2022

I have personally experienced the violent turbulence of the market. FTX, as a former industry giant, collapsed, not only leaving countless investors penniless, but also causing the entire cryptocurrency market to fall into an unprecedented crisis of trust. Even seemingly indestructible giants may collapse overnight.

Looking back on these black swan events, which ones impressed you the most and made you lose the most?