TERMINUS, as the leader of the new round of Musk's fan-sharing concept, has achieved great success so far.

But to be a good surfer, we must be aware of the logic behind the TERMINUS hype. Don't lose yourself in the praise and try to grab your own hair to leave the earth and fly into space.

After TERMINUS became popular, the whole market was looking for the narrative of Mars and the clues of Musk. It seems that the narrative of Mars is the basis of this round of local dog market. If you are a dog dealer who sells local dogs, then there is no problem. If you are just a player who rushes to buy local dogs, and you also follow the hype, then you are stupid.

In conclusion, narrative is just a pretext, and the macro level, the ability to set up a game and the expansion of consensus (luck) are the fundamentals. Friends who are interested in the macro level can read my pinned article before the climax of this wave of local dogs to understand why TERMINUS broke out now.

TERMINUS uses the time window that the macro surface can serve as. Although this window period is more than two months, it is not conducive to development either too early or too late. It must be when the soil is relatively fertile in the middle stage and there is still enough time for development.

After seizing a good macro time window, the next step is the ability to mobilize the game. For players with enough energy, as long as the local dog project can attract a group of right people in the early stage, a meal in 2049 can be completed.

The next thing is luck, luck, luck. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I have seen players who scored better in the first two aspects, but failed miserably in the end because they lacked the luck at the end. The early process of consensus expansion requires luck. Any setbacks will seriously affect its development, and eventually turn it into a PVP involutionary game that dies in the womb. Believe me, luck plays the final role in determining the success or failure of this matter. It is precisely because of this that MeMe Dragon Head is so cute, because it looks a bit like a gift from God, rather than a pure Mission Impossible game.

So if you think that narrative can lead a local dog to the deep blue, you are not far from losing money. If you still promote it, you are either stupid or bad. As a friend who has read this article, you should look at the underlying factors above and know when to advance and retreat. Now TERMINUS is further sublimating, and the consensus is still expanding, but the market value is also high. I also said yesterday that before Bitcoin reaches the level, the price-performance ratio and risk-reward ratio are not so good. The second-tier small-cap targets that are ready to move and have the ability to mobilize, such as spacewalk and 7007, can take some small profits and ambush points. It is not too late to increase the position when the trend emerges or Bitcoin reaches the level. I told you all in yesterday's local dog operation posture.

By the way, Mr. Li Ping tells us the Martian narrative of TERMINUS on Twitter every day. Is that stupid or bad? Wrong. As the spiritual leader of the community, Mr. Li Ping is neither stupid nor bad. He is at a different level. First, he clearly saw the macro time window that can be used as a tool. Secondly, he found a narrative that can be expanded and cannot be falsified in a short time. Thirdly, he mobilized the forces that should be mobilized in the early stage (I can share with the dog dealers which forces should not be associated with in the early stage if there is a chance). Finally, with the consensus brought by luck, it expanded smoothly. So it has nothing to do with stupidity.

Although narrative is not the root of underlying motivation, someone has to hold up a fig leaf to shape the hazy beauty of the consensus in the early days. One cannot just say, "It's me, Li Ping, who bought it." So Li Ping is not a bad person. If he is really a little bad, I can only say that even dogs don't like the coach who is not bad.

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