Many people ask where the top of this wave of Ethereum will be, so let me analyze where the top range of Ethereum will be based on the data.

First of all, the data of position cannot be used to determine the point, but it is suitable for determining the top and bottom of the large level. At present, we can confirm that Ethereum has no obvious top signal in the position data;

Secondly, we mentioned that the exchange rate has a demand to rise to around 0.05, that is, Ethereum is expected to rise by 15-20 points relative to Bitcoin. If we follow this idea, then the performance of Ethereum will continue to rise in the trend, and the rise will be greater than Bitcoin, and the callback will be less than Bitcoin, and finally complete the 20-point rise;

If Ethereum wants to complete the 20-point rise, then the increase of Ethereum itself must exceed 20 points, because in the actual process of completing the trend, every time Ethereum breaks through the resistance level, Bitcoin will definitely rise even if it does not break through its own resistance level, so if the exchange rate wants to rise by 20 points, it is very likely that Ethereum itself will rise by 20 points;

Then we can see from the distribution of chips that the two large resistance ranges above Ethereum are 2800-3200 and 3200-3600. In addition, the golden pit range of this wave of rising trend is 2100-2300, so if we take 2200 as the starting point of the rise, the large-scale trend increase is 50%, and half of the increase has been completed. In the end, Ethereum will make up for the increase to around 3200 before encountering large-scale profit-taking selling pressure;

Finally, let's directly draw the conclusion:

If you do trend orders: then Ethereum will most likely reach 3200 before a large-scale correction will begin. Try not to short Ethereum before 3200. If you really want to short Ethereum, don't fight. You can stop profit after a 2-point correction;

If you do shock orders: then the position of 2800 will be a good short position;

I personally tend to continue the trend market. There will be a correction next, but the correction will not be too large. In the end, it will be forced to short all the way above 3000, and then encounter resistance above 3200;

So it is not recommended that you rush to touch the first top. If it is really a shock market, then there will be opportunities to open a short order at the top later. Trading has been very difficult recently, so be patient, either reduce the frequency of opening orders, or lower profit expectations;#加密市场反弹 #币安上线CATI