❓ How to deceive everyone so that no one would guess?

In their official post, the hamster team talks about the largest and fairest distribution of the drop among 131 million users, but based on dry calculations, let's talk about what kind of scam they pulled off:

We have a task:
🟠300 million unique app launches
🟠Of these, 131 million performed at least minimal activity

This could be upgrading a card or getting even 1 key, for which you could already claim a drop

Additionally, 2.3 million active users were banned, leaving 128.7 million for distribution

🔴According to official statistics, 30.6 million users have not yet chosen a method for receiving drops, which is 23.77%, or every 4th player!

❗️It is clear that this audience is inactive and not interested in withdrawal, these tokens will remain dead weight

Even if each of these accounts received at least 10-100 tokens, this is already, by the most conservative estimates, from 0.3 to 3 billion emissions, maybe more.

💬 60% of the emission or 60 billion tokens were distributed as a drop, of which 11.25% will be given away only after 10 months, leaving a total of 53.25 billion tokens

✔️ Additionally, “cheaters” were removed and the distribution was spread among inactive users and bots, due to which the actual circulation of the token will be reduced several times

And now the key point: we have already talked about the existence of account farms among the project creators. Part of the distributed emission was credited to their accounts

⚠️Really active players could have received fairer rewards by reducing the drops of inactive users, but this was not done intentionally

As a result, we have a situation in which the drop was distributed to everyone and in a "fair" proportion, but only every 4th person who received tokens is not interested in taking them

That is why I say that during the listing there may be a manipulative delay due to the lack of the required number of tokens on hand.

📊 Even if they managed to reduce the uncontrolled emission to 30 billion, even in this case I do not expect to see prices above $ 0.03 (then the circulating capitalization estimate will reach 0.9-1 billion)

Let's see how it turns out in the end, but the situation with the "fair" distribution really turned out to be funny 🤷‍♂️