🗣I think it's time to put an end to our interaction with the project, so let's sum it up


📉 At the moment, the price has already fallen below $0.007. You can build theories about a cunning plan to buy back the issue at minimum prices, or you can state that the developers are greedy animals who did not even bother to allocate liquidity to the market maker to maintain the price at least on the first day of trading

In all the launched projects, the work of MM to support the price was visible, but then it was immediately released into free fall without any hint of support

Seeing the negativity around the size of the drop, they could have easily let people unload at more pleasant prices and retain their audience, but they didn’t do that.

Before this, the project wiped its feet on the audience 10 times, but they decided to do it for the 11th time

❓ What will happen next with the project? I'm not interested at all. I'm not interested in what its roadmap is for 2025, I'm not interested in what X's they promise, etc.

Even if the project hypothetically grows by 5x to a capitalization of 3-5 billion, people on average will still receive a drop of about 2000 tokens

Stay in the project for another half a year or a year, so that in the best case scenario I can get $60-100 instead of $20?

💬 The project had the opportunity to become the largest web3 project with the strongest and most influential audience, but they decided to simply milk the audience and throw it away

Introduce an economy built around the use of a token into the game and you can simply continue to bathe in money, but the development made a different choice

Unfortunately, we have what we have.
This chapter is closed, I don't see any point in continuing to chew on this topic
I have already explained everything that can be explained many times, several times.
The result was expected for us, but at the end they decided to spit in our backs

I don't see any point in writing any new updates on the project anymore.

And I'm happy for those who were happy that the boys were banned, how do you feel now? 🤣🤣