What the market is most looking forward to is not the rest of this year, but the first half of next year.

Especially AI concept stocks and AI-related primary markets, there is a high probability that they will explode.

Some application-based user stickiness products, even if AI only solves part of them, will be the first to be valued high in the primary market.

Referring to history, funds will always adapt to most of the negative emotions after the first two interest rate cuts, start to go bullish, and flock to risk-type and innovation-driven head assets.

OpenAI will most likely choose to launch an IPO in 2025, which is its perfect moment. The ripple effect of market sentiment brought about should not be underestimated.

The first half of next year is also a perfect time for the crypto market to obtain "new leeks", which is related to the confidence and expectations of the entire blockchain industry. I believe that some new forms of user-side products with AI concepts will be born together with Silicon Valley's AI applications. There is no "web2 already exists, what do you want to do" in the past.

Many innovations are not great innovations, but they are pushed by history and trends and have to become household names and great.

I have the confidence to wait for this moment. What we need to do is: master the rhythm and don't spend the money on the wrong rhythm.

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