The Telegram ecosystem is really popular, but the problem is that this ecosystem is not friendly to ordinary retail investors. If you don't understand anti-blocking technology, don't know how to operate in batches, or even don't have a stable and secure account and supply support, any small link problem may lead to reverse. Although I make money by selling my own account, I still want to remind you that this is not a place where retail investors can easily participate and make money. Instead of spending time here to get scattered returns, it is better to study projects with higher odds and more worth investing.

After some retail investors got a lot of money, they actually began to believe in the Telegram project, and even foolishly took over these junk coins in the secondary market. In fact, most of the shares dropped were harvested by the studio. Do you really think these studios have faith? At most, they will hold it for a few more days to see if there is any hope for the price of the currency to rise. Once it doesn't rise, they will sell it faster than anyone else.

As for the fantasy project party or exchange to pull the market, such a short-term, low-cost small game project can be hyped up to hundreds of millions of market value once it goes online, but there is not even a decent community consensus behind it. Do you think there is a high possibility of pulling the market? Instead of pulling the market, they might as well start a few new projects and continue to harvest. Anyway, there will always be someone to take over, and the game will continue.

Every day I hear people say that the biggest role of the Telegram ecosystem is to attract new users, and I almost laugh out loud. It is true that millions of black slaves have been pulled to KYC, contributing hundreds of thousands of transactions, right? The biggest role of the Telegram ecosystem is to fuel the TON ecosystem, improve the liquidity of the token, and facilitate the shipment of large investors. However, in this process, it was also found that there were many leeks taking over the Telegram small coins. It seems that it is quite pleasant to harvest, so let's do more and continue to harvest.

Recently, even some well-known institutional capital has begun to deploy the Telegram ecosystem. The reason is that this plate has a short cycle and the harvest is quick, and even they are jealous. For these capitals, the Telegram ecosystem is just another tool for quick return.

