After two consecutive days of rising momentum, the market is expected to enter a period of sideways fluctuations, during which any pullback may become a new entry opportunity. Since the implementation of the interest rate cut policy, the market has rebounded rapidly, almost regaining the previous losses and returning to the second highest point. This scene has greatly boosted market sentiment, allowing many originally precarious trading orders to revive, and investors' enthusiasm has quietly recovered.

However, the two-sided nature of the market is particularly obvious at this moment. Some people have reaped a lot of benefits from correct judgments, while others have reversed operations, especially those investors who took the risk of opening high-leverage short orders after the interest rate cut. They are now facing the crisis of liquidation and are full of bitterness.

For every new member of the "Thirteen Circles", I usually emphasize our investment philosophy - that is, to be cautious about contract transactions before the trend is clear. Unfortunately, despite repeated reminders, some members still failed to follow the advice and took risks after the interest rate cut. Now they are in a dilemma and have sought my guidance. Faced with such a situation, even an experienced person like me can hardly give a perfect plan, because any operation at this moment is like dancing on the edge of a knife, and a little carelessness may lead to a complete loss.

Taking this opportunity, I once again solemnly remind all participants in the cryptocurrency circle: Do not enter this field with the fantasy of getting rich overnight. On the contrary, we should set more practical and stable goals, such as gradually accumulating small profits through a stable investment strategy to improve the quality of life. As a retail investor, the road to directly achieving wealth freedom in the cryptocurrency circle is full of thorns, especially the attempt to achieve this goal through a single high-leverage transaction, which is extremely risky and can easily lead to irreparable losses.