Project Rating: NULS ($NULS)

As a domestic public chain with a long history, NULS has been working silently behind the scenes for many years and has continued to contribute its strength. The first time I came into contact with the concept of "modularity" in the field of cryptocurrency was from NULS. However, it is worth noting that the modular concept advocated by NULS is different from the popular concept in the current market. The current popular modularization often focuses on the role of service providers (similar to Party B), while the modularization under the NULS framework tends to play the role of demand leader (ie Party A).

NULS greatly improves development efficiency, shortens development cycles, and reduces development costs by providing various modules required to build blockchains, thereby accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications. From the perspective of market performance, NULS's trend is also quite stable. However, I think the most striking thing about the project is its perseverance and continuous innovation. Although at some times, NULS's progress may be slightly slower than the market rhythm, it has always been working silently and continuously launching new results, showing strong vitality and development potential.