Tips for making money in a bull market 1. Continuous small increases are real increases. Continuous large increases require exiting the market

2. A sharp rise requires a retracement. The larger the retracement, the more you should buy

3. The main rise must reach its peak. If the rise is weak, escape the peak

4. A sharp drop without volume is a threat. A slow drop with large volume requires exiting quickly

5. The new low of incremental volume is the bottom. A large rebound requires entry

6. The price of the coin has no volume. The main force is tempting more, so don’t enter the market

7. If the price of the coin breaks through the lifeline, don’t hesitate to trade in waves #DODO助力Meme发行 #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #BNBChain与Telegram集成 #币安上线CATI The most popular Martian dog concept recently - Marvin on Mars

Musk said in an interview that he would take Marvin to Mars, and the expected market value will soon exceed 10 million‼

Address 7055