After two years of ups and downs in the cryptocurrency circle, I started my cryptocurrency trading journey with a cost of 49,000 yuan. Now my account funds have reached 117,000 yuan, and I only trade spot goods, not contracts. Although I can't make as much wealth as some people who speculated with 10,000 yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, the 1.3 times return rate has made me feel satisfied, safe and secure. With my dream in mind, I expect my account to exceed 300,000 yuan by the end of this year, so that I will have more capital to earn more wealth next year.

After two years of trading in cryptocurrencies, I have also summed up a lot of experience. In most cases, Bitcoin can be regarded as the leader of the rise and fall of the currency circle, while strong-quality currencies such as Ethereum sometimes break away from the influence of Bitcoin and go out of the unilateral market, while altcoins are basically difficult to escape the influence of Bitcoin. Bitcoin and USDT move in opposite directions. If you find that USDT is rising, you need to be alert to the decline of Bitcoin, and when Bitcoin rises, it is the right time to buy USDT. Pin insertion is prone to occur between 0 and 1 o'clock every day. Domestic currency friends can hang the buying price of the favorite currency at the lowest possible price before going to bed, and hang the selling price at the highest possible price. Maybe you can make a profit lying down. 6 to 8 o'clock every morning is the time to judge whether to buy or sell, and it is also the key time point to judge the rise and fall of the day. If it has been falling from 0 to 6 o'clock, and it is still falling during this period, it is the time to buy or cover the position, and it is likely to rise on the same day; if it has been rising from 0 to 6 o'clock, and it is still rising during this period, it is the time to sell, and it is likely to fall on the same day. Pay special attention to 5 pm. Due to the time difference, American coin friends get up and work at this time, which may cause the price of coins to fluctuate. Many big rises or falls have indeed occurred at this time. In addition, there is a saying in the coin circle that "Black Friday". Although there have been several big falls on Fridays, there have also been big rises or sideways movements. It is not particularly accurate. Just pay a little attention to the news.

If a coin with a certain trading volume falls, there is no need to worry too much. If you hold it patiently, you can basically get your money back, as short as three or four days, as long as a month. If you have extra money in USDT, you can cover your position in batches to reduce costs, and your money back will be faster; if you don’t have extra money, you can only wait patiently. As long as it is not a junk coin, it will not disappoint you. For spot trading, the same coin will be more profitable if you hold it for a long time and trade less frequently than if you trade it frequently. The key is whether you have the patience to hold it. Just like I bought Dogecoin at a price of 0.029, and it has doubled more than 20 times since I held it. It has the highest increase among all my coins. It’s a pity that I bought too little at the time, only 1,000, and I plan to hold it until the end of the year.

There are many factors that affect the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. If the attitude of various countries towards cryptocurrencies is negative, it will basically trigger a wave of declines. The US financial policy, such as the recent report of collecting capital gains tax from the rich, will also affect the cryptocurrency market. The attitude of bigwigs like Musk towards cryptocurrencies is also crucial. His tweets about Bitcoin and Dogecoin can push up the prices of these two currencies, and then drive the entire cryptocurrency market up. Buffett's remarks that he is not optimistic about Bitcoin will also have an impact. Therefore, we must always pay attention to financial news. After all, the boundaries of knowledge determine the boundaries of wealth, and people can only earn wealth within their knowledge boundaries.

The mentality of cryptocurrency trading is crucial. Don't let your blood pressure soar when the price plummets, and don't get carried away when the price rises sharply. The most important thing is to lock in profits. When I first started trading cryptocurrencies, I was so worried that I couldn't sleep well, and I often woke up in the middle of the night. Now I am much calmer. Marvin (address 7055), as a meme coin related to Musk's pet dog, has a strong community consensus, is given a 500-fold expectation, and is expected to be listed on major exchanges. Its current market value is low, which is a good time to build a position. #新币挖矿已上线HMSTR #AI概念币普涨 #本周美国将公布PCE、GDP数据 #BNBChain与Telegram集成