Emergency notice for CTK holders: Market change warning!

Important market dynamics report!

Recently, the price trend chart of CTK has shown unprecedented violent fluctuations on the daily K-line. Whether it is climbing or falling, it is a far cry from the previous almost stable situation. Behind this phenomenon, it seems to indicate a short-term influx and rapid circulation of large amounts of funds, but CTK itself has not shown a unique charm that can attract funds to stay for a long time. Its price trajectory mostly fluctuates with the market and lacks the support of independent market conditions. In view of this, I am currently cautious about the short-term prospects of CTK and predict that its price may face downward pressure in the next trading day. For investors who are bearish on CTK, blindly following the trend is not a wise strategy, because the extreme volatility of such altcoins may cause significant losses in just one K-line.