As a token circulating in the AI ​​field, ARKM's current market value is moderate, approximately maintaining a level of around 300 million. Compared with other large-scale projects in the AI ​​field, its market value is not high, which indicates that ARKM There may be significant room for growth in the future.

In-depth analysis of its key factors, we can easily find:

Large market value potential: Given that ARKM's current market value is relatively low, it shows broader growth potential than other high-market value projects in the AI ​​field, indicating that its future development space is worth looking forward to.

Early stage of lock-up release: Currently, ARKM is in the early stage of lock-up release, which means that the supply of tokens in the market has not yet increased significantly, thus reducing potential selling pressure and conducive to the stability and even rise of token prices.

Strong performance in the first half of the year: Amid fierce competition in the AI ​​field, ARKM showed strong market performance in the first half of the year, demonstrating its strong market vitality and competitiveness. Once market sentiment picks up, ARKM is expected to make another effort to lead the market trend.

The correction is sufficient and the adjustment is nearing completion: After a significant correction in the early stage, the price of ARKM has fallen back to a relatively low level, and the market adjustment is nearing completion. This lays a solid foundation for ARKM's future rebound and provides a favorable entry opportunity.

To sum up, based on ARKM's market value potential, the early stage of lock-up release, the strong performance in the first half of the year, and the current sufficient correction and upcoming adjustments, we can believe that ARKM does have a certain upside potential at present and is worth investors. Potential stocks to watch and hold.