As the field of artificial intelligence gradually shows a recovery trend, a series of positive signs have followed, especially the clear endorsement of AI technology by heavyweights such as Harris, which has injected strong impetus into the development of this field. Against this background, multiple cryptocurrency projects closely linked to AI technology have also demonstrated extraordinary market potential and strong performance.

If you are currently in a short position and are looking for investment targets with potential in the AI ​​field, the following projects may be worthy of your consideration: WLD (my current buying price is $1.655), PHB ( The current personally set buying price is $1.39), and GRT (please note that although the pending order point mentioned here is $1.655, please be sure to confirm whether this price applies to GRT when actually investing, because different cryptocurrency projects price levels vary significantly).

These projects have attracted market attention because they occupy key positions in the practical application of AI technology, technological evolution or ecosystem construction, indicating broad market prospects and significant growth potential. However, it needs to be emphasized that any investment decision should be based on adequate market analysis and personal risk tolerance assessment. The items mentioned above are only reference suggestions and do not constitute specific investment guidance.

When arranging potential investment projects in the AI ​​field, it is strongly recommended that you keep a close eye on industry trends, project progress and market feedback so that you can flexibly adjust your investment strategy and capture market opportunities in a timely manner. At the same time, please be sure to maintain a rational investment mentality and avoid blindly following trends or making investment decisions based on impulse.