The market should change tonight. The BTC market has been fluctuating around $62,600, and various indicators have also shown that tonight, it will definitely go down and need to step back to the support around $61,650. The trend of Ethereum is also similar. It has been making up for the rise. When it reaches around $2,650, the callback should be coming soon. It needs to adjust a wave and continue to accumulate strength on Monday.

Now the trend of the big cake is a bit obvious. This wave is definitely different from the trend of $65,000. This is very certain. Now the trend of the big cake should be regarded as sideways at a high level, but it may not fall much. Now there must be many people who have started to go short and think that this wave of big drops is coming, but we need to pay attention to the recent copycat methods of the dealers, and the results are often unexpected.

In terms of intraday trends, from the perspective of the liquidation map, the strength of the long and short is basically the same, and there is no difference. The 30-day liquidation map clearly shows that the long army has the upper hand and forms the dominant force of the price.

At present, there is basically no news that affects the price trend, so the recent market will move very slowly until the closing of the monthly line. #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #特朗普首次使用BTC #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #热门话题 $BTC $ETH