In this wave of market operations, we have perfectly achieved a double kill of long and short positions, with a remarkable record. Have you felt the joy of victory? 😎 Brothers, have you heard some "masters" advise you to short at 5800 and long at 64000? With such an operation strategy, you have to rely on luck to not lose money! 😂

Our long orders decisively entered the market from 2260 points, and held steadily all the way. After 7 trading days, it successfully reached a high of 2630 points today. During this period, many friends were curious in the comment area and asked me why I have been firmly bullish recently. Did I make a wrong judgment? I emphasize again here that the market in the early stage of the rise is like this. There are opportunities in fluctuations, but it also requires sufficient patience and determination. If you are impatient and easily swayed by other voices, such as shorting after listening to other people's advice, the result can be imagined, and you must feel bad.

Fortunately, our long order operation this time not only accurately predicted the pressure level of 2630 points, but also the actual highest point was exactly the same as the prediction. Now is a good time to stop profit. At the same time, I have also publicly announced the entry of the short order. At present, this short order has a floating profit of 30 points as a safety cushion, which can be said to be a risk-free state. Next, let's wait for the profit to be further enlarged! 🚀

In general, this operation once again proved our strategic vision and execution. In the future market, we will continue to stick to our own judgment, move forward steadily with our brothers, and create brilliance together!