A unique and secretive “Patoshi pattern” mark, speculated to be the mark used by Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto in early mining activities, not only makes a specific group of addresses stand out from the vast group of early miners, but also casts a veil of mystery on the identities of the people behind these addresses. Through in-depth blockchain analysis, it was found that these addresses following the Patoshi pattern have collectively mined about 1.1 million bitcoins, and to date, none of these precious digital currencies have been touched or transferred.

If these addresses do belong to Satoshi Nakamoto himself, then this discovery is a noble tribute to Satoshi’s noble character: he never sought personal financial gain by selling Bitcoin. This behavior not only demonstrates his firm belief in the future development of Bitcoin and its community, but also deeply reflects his personal lofty moral code. In the field of cryptocurrency, this attitude of not being swayed by short-term interests and adhering to long-term vision is like a clear stream, demonstrating Satoshi’s unswerving commitment to ideals and beliefs.

Well-known figure Tomer Strolight highly praised this huge, untouched wealth. He believed that this was not only a symbol of Satoshi Nakamoto's personal technical strength and foresight, but also an immortal monument he established for the human spirit. This "monument" not only proves Satoshi Nakamoto's outstanding achievements in technological innovation, but also reflects his profound understanding and commitment to social responsibility.

Satoshi Nakamoto's behavior conveys a strong message: in the world of cryptocurrency full of speculation and the desire to get rich quickly, a person is fully capable of transcending worldly temptations and pressures, sticking to his beliefs, and verifying the value of these beliefs with practical actions. His move not only aroused widespread doubts about the authority, efficiency and legitimacy of traditional financial institutions and governments in the global financial system, but also greatly promoted the spread and development of the concept of decentralization, and inspired countless later generations to devote themselves to building a more fair and transparent new financial order.