Analysis of BNB’s unique advantages

Recently, discussions about BNB have appeared frequently on major social platforms, but many discussions do not seem to touch on the core advantages of BNB. Here, I will explain why I think BNB is compelling in four key aspects:

Advantages of contract funding rates: BNB has demonstrated significant funding rate advantages in the field of contract trading. For a long time, its funding rate has remained in the 0 or negative range, which means that without mining income, holding BNB through contracts can achieve greater returns than spot holdings, and the capital utilization rate is higher. This feature attracts a large number of investors and traders looking for efficient use of funds.

The potential of mining and project listing: When mentioning BNB, we have to mention its strong appeal in the field of mining and listing of new projects. Many projects are queuing up to be listed on Binance, the world's leading trading platform, during the "bull market" period. This not only provides BNB holders with abundant mining opportunities, but also highlights BNB's role in promoting the development of blockchain projects. important role.

High volatility and favored by quantitative traders: The volatility of BNB is more significant than that of BTC, which is undoubtedly a huge benefit for quantitative traders. High volatility means more trading opportunities and potential profit margins, allowing quantitative traders to give full play to their strategic advantages. In addition, it is worth noting that 500 BNB is regarded as a necessary threshold for quantitative traders, which further highlights the important position of BNB in ​​the field of quantitative trading.

Stable destruction mechanism and deflation preservation: BNB’s stable destruction mechanism is another significant advantage. Binance promises to use part of its profits to buy back and destroy BNB. This mechanism not only reduces the supply of BNB in ​​the market, but also enhances its deflationary properties. Today, with increasing inflationary pressure, deflationary assets have naturally become the first choice for investors to maintain and increase value. Therefore, BNB’s stable destruction mechanism brings it stronger value preservation capabilities and market recognition.