Yesterday the market tended to fluctuate slightly and adjust. The high-altitude short-term strategy Ethereum deployed yesterday had to stop rising after today's daily update. Bitcoin is still making a small profit. Those who are prudent can stop while they are ahead.

The current overall trend of Ethereum deviates from Bitcoin. After the daily update, the price of the currency is running slowly along the upper track. From the daily perspective, the bullish indicators are still rising strongly. The weekly K TD indicator has stabilized at TD9. Once the currency price stabilizes at the MA10 daily moving average next week, it can be determined that the weekly K trend will reverse. In the near future, it is still a retracement to long. If the short-term retracement at the daily level does not break the MA5 daily moving average support, it is still a low-low-long view.

The 12-hour line price fluctuates upward relying on the MA5 daily moving average, and the TD indicator comes to TD8. The overall trend of Bitcoin is two cycles ahead, so the probability of Ethereum lagging behind to TD9 increases. As far as the current trend is concerned, Ethereum will not break the short-term support of 2560-70 during the day. It is expected that the currency price will rebound slightly during the day. Its high point suppression reference is the weekly K MA10 daily moving average suppression, so the currency price reference is: 2690-2700.

4-hour line, the indicators continue to show bullish sentiment, the only risk is that the TD indicator continues to lag after reaching TD13 (this is also prone to uncertainty, once the main force controls the market, it will have a great impact on short-term operations). In the short term, the currency price relies on the MA5 10-day moving average to fluctuate upward slightly. Combined with the hourly line, the current currency price tends to fluctuate upward slightly. For operations, my personal opinion is to maintain short-term waves and focus on the idea of ​​​​retreating and taking more. Real-time guidance is the main focus.

Operation suggestion: Ethereum: 2585-65 long target: 2620-2670, insert pin to 2700, stop: 2540

The trend of the big cake is weak and is not used as a reference for the time being

For the short term, we will stop here and analyze it in detail later.#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点