To summarize, the opening of each round of bull market has some common characteristics

1. In the early stage of the bull market, Bitcoin will slowly rise, and Ethereum will rise. At this time, some good mainstream coins will follow the rise, and other coins will slowly follow the rise. Very few altcoins will soar. In this round, most altcoins, such as meme and ai sectors and sol ecology, are not very active.

2. In the middle of the bull market, Bitcoin and Ethereum will fluctuate and rise, mainstream coins will start to rise, and a large number of altcoins will start to start slowly

3. In the late stage of the bull market, Bitcoin will fluctuate and fall. Ethereum, as the leader of altcoins, may continue to rise, and mainstream coins will rise one after another. The highlight of the second round of the bull market will soar several times, or even dozens or hundreds of times.

So, what stage are we in now? Obviously, in the first stage, many people’s value coins may not be able to outperform Ethereum, but outperform Dogcoin, Shitcoin, Frog, BNB, etc. Some have even doubled. They are very anxious and can’t even sleep at night, so they chase the rise and fall, frequently change positions, and make mistakes at every step. The final result is that although they have experienced a big bull market, others have made a lot of money, but they have lost a lot. What I want to tell you is that this is normal. It is like this in every bull market. Choose your own target and hold it! Don’t change the car, Feng Shui will always come around, and it will always show its time!