9.21 Saturday noon operation suggestions and ideas

The overall intraday market rose and fell, with the highest price reaching 64100 and the lowest price near 62500. In the evening trend, there was not much continuation of the long and short positions, and the market mainly operated in a wide range.

9.21 Saturday noon analysis

There are many pressure points at the top of the daily structure, and the high point is also being continuously moved down. The pressure level is also very obvious. In terms of the rebound strength, it rebounded by nearly 1,000 points after hitting the bottom, but did not break through the upper pressure level, and the bottom did not substantially break through and stabilize. Therefore, in the short term, the 63,000 line can be used as a dividing point, and high-altitude and low-multiple operations can be carried out.

9.21 Saturday noon operation suggestions and ideas

Big cake operation suggestions are short around 63100-63300, and the target is to look down at the 62500 area. If it does not break, it will be long.

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