9.20 Friday intraday summary and midnight operations

Good evening friends in the currency circle, here is Jianhua who leads the real deal🥩. The public reminder gave us one more and two Dan Kong, and we won 717 extra points. In the evening, multiple layouts were given, and the three orders totaled 717 points. Jianhua never closes at midnight

Slot 63653-63135 and gain 510 points of space.

Make more 62761-63452 and gain 690 points of space

Empty 63252-63735, losing -483 points of space

midnight analysis

For the second half of the early morning, judging from the 4-hour chart, the price price surged downwards and came under pressure. In the short term, four consecutive negative declines showed short sentiment, but the downward strength was relatively not strong enough. In the short term, the market may continue The trend of shock is maintained, the rhythm slows down, and it enters a range-bound state, with long and short changes repeatedly. In view of the weekend, it will most likely be adjusted with shock, so we do not look at unilateral clearing, and the operation can be centered around the 64000-62000 area, high altitude and low!

Midnight operation suggestions

The big pie operation is more in the 62600-62200 area. Look at the 63500 area. If you don’t break the backhand, you will be short $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场反弹 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #DODO助力Meme发行