It will be the third time this year that SOLANA will surpass the $200 mark but this time it will not do so timidly, it will have a new historical high most likely around $280, with the new interest rate cut in November and a lot more money in the hands of people and institutions, SOLANA will increase its capital by being an increasingly reliable asset, as or equally reliable as BITCOIN, which will make people put their liquid money in safe assets like this super currency. With the terrible performance of Ethereum, the money will go to SOLANA, increasing its capitalization above 70 billion dollars.

Coins that are directly linked to the SOLANA network will be positively impacted, we will see JUPITER reach JUPITER. SOLANA is no longer a promise, today its position as a planet with its own ecosystem will most likely allow it to displace ETHEREUN to become the largest cryptographic reference after BITCOIN worldwide.

There are five cryptocurrencies within the SOLANA ecosystem that will not have losses in the remainder of the year, I do not like one of them at all because it is a MEME, but financial cryptography continues to respond more and more to market feelings and this is a fact that cannot be changed, it is the market we have and not the one we want, I aspire for the main MEME currency of the SOLANA ecosystem to shine with its own light and adopt an existential purpose from a narrative based on tangible assets and in this way provide added value to the entire crypto market. I will name these five currencies that already demonstrate their power and capitalization strength and that together with SOLANA will most likely have a new historical high before the end of 2024 to provide peace of mind to their investors. The first of them is JUPITER, which I will not describe either its usefulness or its metrics because that information is available to everyone, it is assumed that whoever puts their money in a currency has studied it thoroughly and knows every detail about it, so JUPITER will undoubtedly follow in the footsteps of SOLANA and show what it is made of and what it is made for, just as SUI has done to cite an example with which it can be compared in what its performance will be as we move towards the fourth and final quarter of 2024. I have already told you about IO.NET and how it has become the largest company to lease GPUs to other computing companies that by the way are supporting the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that is so much talked about in this EXCHANGE, IO.NET is a wonderful currency, in fact it is a world-class currency and made in the USA. Another star 💫 in the firmament that needs no introduction and that moves and lives in the SOLANA ecosystem is RENDER, I have already told you how it is immersed in audio and video rendering among many other services that it offers to the real world. I will not say anything about JITO, the article becomes tedious and strictly my dear readers, most of us aspire to an entity confirming that our money is safe, and it is enough to review JITO's performance to know that it will multiply any investment.Finally, I will mention the MEME, which will easily reach $4. With it, if you are patient, you will never lose money and it will return to $4 without much effort, driven by the liquidity of the market, the growth of SOLANA and of course because people know that it always delivers and pays in the end. You only need to see its enormous MARKET CAPITALIZATION. Being just a "dog in a hat" is enough to know how crazy this world is.

I will not include RAY (RAYO) in this article because it needs a unique space to talk about its terrible situation, which I will only call "discriminatory", the BINANCE community is witness to its performance and keeping it under observation prevents it from recovering and exceeding its value, who does not paralyze when buying a currency that shows you in large letters the following: RAY IS A HIGH RISK TOKEN, KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU CAN LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY IF YOU DECIDE TO BUY IT", more or less, is what BINANCE tells you when you want to buy or exchange tokens for RAY, if BINANCE gives up having it on the list of tokens under observation it will allow RAY to grow and make its holders a lot of money.

I hope my words correspond with what you have observed in the market and that they only serve to confirm what you already know, patience is important, some currencies spend a long time in a deep sleep, then wake up and multiply our money, do not lose patience and do not say: "damn coin of shit .... you are good for nothing", generally people express themselves in this way when they bet and leverage ups and downs and you already know what my position is on leverage, I think that only those who can afford to lose all their money and laugh out loud should leverage, the rest hold and use other strategies to make money, it will give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy the market, which is part of what brought us here, make this practice a constructive and even fun activity. A hug from my personal space,

Jorge Ferrer

Bachelor of Business Administration