🚀The price of USDT against RMB has quietly fallen below the 7 yuan mark! 💰 Now is a good time to exchange RMB for U, especially for novices who are eager to try, it is the golden point to enter the circle! 👋 But don’t worry, many new friends are asking: "How to join this mysterious circle?"🤔

Look at the price of U, which has slid from 7.4 yuan to 6.98 yuan, and the decline has directly come to a small dive of 5%! 📉 Think about when I entered the circle in 2021, the price of U was only about 6.6 yuan. Time flies, and the market is always so unpredictable.

Friends who hold U in their hands may feel a little depressed. Not only did they not catch the express train of BTC's surge, but they also lost a few percentage points. This deal is indeed a bit uneconomical. 😔

Speaking of this, the fluctuation of the exchange rate between the US dollar and the RMB is like adding a special effect of "dancing with the wind" to the price of U, which brings some surprises (or shocks) from time to time. 💸

However, if you are a U-based player, you will be much calmer. These fluctuations are nothing but clouds to you. 😎 After all, in the crypto world, more coins are the hard truth, right? Haha, let's go to the depths of the coin sea together! 🚀😂

#加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点