🎉Big news! Japan announced that it will not raise interest rates!!! 👏

Just now, the Bank of Japan made a big move: officially announced that it would maintain the status quo, and the interest rate would remain as stable as an old dog, unchanged at 0.25%! This wave of operations perfectly matched everyone's "fortune-telling" skills, and they all liked it and said: "I guessed it a long time ago~"😉

Why is the Bank of Japan so calm? It turns out that they see that the Japanese economy is gradually recovering, but it is still a little short of the heat, so they have to wait for the interest rate hike. Coupled with the little dance of the yen exchange rate, the pressure of rising prices has been gently relieved, so they decided: take it slow and be stable! 👌

The head of the Bank of Japan, Kazuo Ueda, said openly: "If the economy and prices follow the roadmap we have drawn, interest rate hikes will come naturally. But now, let's take it easy and enjoy this time of 'taking it slow'~"😌

Speaking of which, Japan's prices have been running faster than rabbits recently, accelerating for four consecutive months, and are about to catch up with the 2% small target set by the central bank. However, Kazuo Ueda said confidently: "Hold on, we can win! We can still stop this train of rising prices steadily."💪

The ​​market is also very lively. As soon as the Bank of Japan's decision came out, the yen's exchange rate against the US dollar instantly became energetic and rose a little. But as soon as Kazuo Ueda spoke, the yen shyly took a small step back. As for the stock market, it was excited at first, but then it slowly calmed down and the increase was not so wild. 📈

Experts also expressed their own opinions. Some speculated that the Bank of Japan might raise interest rates by the end of this year or early next year, but this cannot be said for sure. After all, no one can predict the temper of the economy and financial markets! 🤔

In short, the Bank of Japan is now adhering to the Buddhist attitude of "walking and watching". With a stable economy and controllable prices, these two magic weapons in hand, they naturally know what to do next! 🌟

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