He is the "Old Hu" in the public opinion field, a "frequent hot searcher" on social media, a commentator with sharp opinions, and a "stockholder" who dares to "take the field" to test the waters. He is the popular internet celebrity Hu Xijin, who has served as a war correspondent for the People's Daily, editor-in-chief of the Global Times and director of People's Daily Co., Ltd., and is currently a special commentator for the Global Times.

Lao Hu has once again become the center of attention because of his "stock speculation". This time, he was not commenting on the stock market, but was "speaking from his own experience" and telling about his "stock speculation" experience.

For Lao Hu, "stock trading" is like an ups and downs "adventure". He stepped into this field full of unknowns with passion and 700,000 yuan of capital.

At first, Lao Hu's "stock market journey" was smooth sailing. With his keen observation and bold operations, he earned a 5% return in just two months.

Having tasted the sweetness of success, he couldn't help but share his "joy" on social media, attracting countless netizens to "watch" and "like". For a time, the title of "Stock God" spread like wildfire.

The stock market is ever-changing, and Lao Hu’s “good luck” did not last long. As the market fluctuated and adjusted, his account began to suffer losses.

Faced with the sudden "change", Lao Hu did not choose to "stop loss and leave", but firmly believed in his own judgment, continued to increase his positions, and tried to "buy at the bottom".

Contrary to expectations, the stock market did not develop according to Lao Hu's "script". His losses became larger and larger, and he eventually lost more than 350,000 yuan, more than half of his principal. For a while, he became a laughing stock for everyone.

In the investment field, whether you are an experienced "old driver" or a fledgling "newbie", you should maintain a sense of awe, even if you are your own people, haha.

Some people believe that the reason why Lao Hu made wrong investment decisions is that he has been in his own "information cocoon" for a long time, the information he received was too single, and he lacked a comprehensive understanding of market risks.

Some people also pointed out that in the era of information explosion, everyone may fall into an "information cocoon" without knowing it. The information we obtain is often filtered by algorithms and platforms, which may lead to deviations in our perception of things.

Lao Hu’s “stock speculation” story reminds us to be wary of the dangers of the “information cocoon”, to learn to obtain information from diversified channels, and to think and judge independently.

Of course, the most important thing is that you must invest in a formal trading market! Haha

