A few days ago, someone I had just worked with on Telegram called me and said that her tg number had been permanently blocked and she needed to change to a new tg number to add me. I didn't think much about it at the time and just waited for her to add me, and then the scammer's performance began.

She first asked me if my flight number had been reported, and the new number prompted that it was restricted and could not be added. She also sent me a screenshot as follows:

I was quite surprised. My account is very clean. I just chat with people and don't use it often. I have never sent any spam. How could it be blocked? !

Seeing that I was anxious, she began to comfort me, saying that she had also encountered such a thing, where she was reported by someone. Then she induced me to click on a Telegram robot and then go to the official website to apply for unbanning. This was the beginning of her plan to trap me.

Old Tang had been through a lot in the cryptocurrency world, and by this time he had almost understood that something was wrong. It was probably that his friend's tg account had been stolen and used for phishing. So he asked her directly if the account was stolen, and made it clear that he was afraid that she had given him a phishing site.

I asked her directly and she started to defend herself. Then I asked her to DM me using my friend's Twitter account to prove that she was my friend, and she agreed readily.

And then, of course, nothing happened. I never received her Twitter DM, and the next day her tg account became cancelled, haha.

Today I saw a friend in the group saying that he had encountered the same thing, and many people have been deceived. Because the scam uses the tg number of acquaintances, it is easy to be fooled, so I quickly wrote down my experience to remind everyone. Anything related to accounts and finances must not be trusted lightly, and must be carefully verified The identity of the other party.

Later, I thought that using Twitter DM for verification is not very safe. People often have their accounts stolen from both Telegram and Twitter. It is safer to use Binance Square for verification. If a friend has a Binance Square account, ask the other party to post a message using your friend's Binance Square account. This is more reliable. After all, it is much more difficult to steal a KYC-passed Binance account than a Twitter account. So I said that Binance Square will be everyone's ID in the Web3 world in the future. Everyone must have a Binance Square account. Even if you don't write articles, you can't be without this currency circle ID.



#telegram #新手必看