PIZZA and ORDI have a strikingly similar situation. The circulation volume is 21 million, and the lowest price of the GATE exchange is between 2-3U. I personally guess that they may be the same trading team. If the trend and increase of PIZZA are close to the trend of ORDI in October last year, it will prove my analysis is right or wrong, provided that PIZZA can be listed on Binance.

According to statistics from various sources, the track that made the most money in the first half of the year is known to be meme, but the track that everyone lost the most money is vc coin, but the coin may not be known, all of them are kings: strk zk, etc. The more famous, the more miserable the loss.

In the currency circle, everyone knows that the value is not big. It is a common phenomenon that value coins have no value, so it is not about finding value, but thinking from the perspectives of chip distribution and narrative.

#pizza #特朗普首次使用BTC #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #币安上线CATI