The price of USDT against RMB has fallen below 7 yuan.

It is quite suitable to buy U with RMB now.

It is suitable for novices to enter the market, but there is nothing new to ask how to enter the circle.

Watching the price of U go from 7.4 to 6.98, the decline is also 5 points.

When I entered the circle in 2021, the price of U was only around 6.6.

People who hold U,

Not only did they not catch up with the increase of BTC, but they also fell by several points, which is not cost-effective.

The fluctuations in the exchange rate between the US dollar and the RMB also continue to affect the price of U.

Of course, if it is U-based, then there is no need to consider these fluctuations.

The more coins you have, the ultimate goal😂