​Reviewing this morning, the short-term 1-hour K-bread fluctuated upward to 1 o'clock and then fell back to around 626, arriving at our midnight entry position. The market was also very powerful. There was no consolidation, and it continued to rush to around 641. Xinyi also released a strategy at midnight, which was a perfect ending. After all, there was 1,300 points of space overnight. After bragging, let's talk about the market!

Looking at the daily chart, the big cake is very strong. It has been at a high position for 4 consecutive days. It is estimated that it will still be positive today. It almost broke through the pressure at noon. It is currently between the middle and upper parts of the daily Bollinger. There is pressure above this position, and the trend line below. In any case, the bullish trend of the big cake continues very strongly. Such a big cake is actually very dangerous. There is no consolidation. Shorting is not right. After all, where do you want to go when it reaches 64,000? It is not right to go long. Where can you go long without a callback, right? The volume is not enough, so it is very embarrassing, but the direction is still clear. Go with the trend. Anyway, our idea is still to step back and chase.

From the heat map, we can see that the high leverage can be squeezed out to around 646. In addition, the pin was inserted to around 641 last night. The current short liquidation may not support further liquidation. The figure below shows that we need to pay attention to the trend line. This may be a reversal signal! The short-term retracement may not be very strong because the big cake is rising and constantly reaching new heights, so the support level will definitely rise, right? Let's take it one step at a time. It is recommended that we try to enter the long position around 63000-62600. The defense does not need to be too thick. It doesn't matter if there is a loss. #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #TerraformLabs破产清算 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥