Yesterday, both in terms of ideas and current prices, buoyantan arrived successfully.

Judging from the daily chart of BTC, it has broken above the daily K. During the daily K, the stochastic indicator stepped back on the golden cross, suggesting a new high signal. The broken Yin line fell and the big Yang line rose, implying a strong signal for the bulls. In the short term, It is still necessary to follow the trend. In the 4-hour chart, BOLL is running sideways, and the temporary contraction remains unchanged. In terms of indicators, the stochastic indicator and the MACD indicator are running in passivation. The temporary indicators will not play a big role, and they tend to fluctuate at high levels in the BOLL range. .The upper pressure level is at 65000. If it breaks, look directly at the weekly pressure level of 68000, and step back on the EMA15 trend support point of 60900. This is the weekly support pressure. If the short-term market falls, focus on the support of 62800. In terms of thinking, step back on the support and start to make more plans.

BTC operation suggestions are around 63400-63600. Increase the position at 62800. Target 65000 and defend 62400.

ETH operation suggestions are around 2490-2500, 2460, target 2590, defense 2430#加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储宣布降息50个基点 32212305613$ETH $BNB #BTC 9976862 2241