After the Federal Reserve announced the interest rate yesterday, the price of Ethereum continued to fluctuate slightly upward from the day to the evening (the low-long strategy deployed during the day was too conservative and was not accepted), and in the early morning it touched the middle track of the 2-day line and experienced a slight correction.

After the current daily line update, the coin price is running near the MA30-day moving average. The MACD and KDJ indicators maintain a bullish sentiment, and the MA5 10-day moving average also sticks together and begins to show signs of a slight turn. However, due to the positive closing of the K-column in the previous three days, there is a gap of dozens of points between the current coin price and the MA5-day moving average. In addition, there is no obvious opening sentiment on the upper track of the BOLL band, indicating that the Ethereum coin price will still need to fluctuate and adjust in the next two days. In the short term, the coin price will stabilize on the middle track of the daily line. Therefore, for the daily level, if the retracement does not break the middle track support, it can be viewed as a low long.

The upper track of the current BOLL band on the 12-hour line is slowly opening. The overall trend of Ethereum is weaker than that of Bitcoin. The MA 5 10 30-day moving average maintains a bullish resonance upward trend. (The only risk is that there is also a partial gap between the current coin price and the MA5-day moving average, which is expected to be filled within the day.) In addition, the K-level coin price last week was running near the MA5-day moving average. As long as the coin price can stabilize at the 2460 line this week, it indicates that the weekly K TD indicator will be repaired. At the same time, the coin price will rebound again to repair and adjust the monthly K gap. The high point suppression reference is at the 2493-2610 line.

The 4-hour line price fluctuates upward relying on the MA5 daily moving average. The current TD indicator has reached TD8. From the indicator point of view, the current market is biased towards bullish sentiment. Combined with the hourly line, the current bullish energy has begun to shrink, and the price of the currency tends to fluctuate slightly. Therefore, for intraday operations, my personal opinion is to maintain short-term bands, and you can operate with a high-altitude and low-multiple ideas first. Real-time guidance is the main focus.

Operation suggestion: Ethereum: short around 2460-85 Target: 2430-2400 Stop: 2500

If the price falls back, the long position is 2400-2380. The target is 2500.

Big pie synchronization 63100-63600 short target: 62000-61500 stop: 64000

If it falls back, go long at 61500-62000, target: 63800

Since both long and short strategies have layouts, friends who are not sure about it can consult me

For the short term, we will stop here and analyze it in detail later.#美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?