September 20 Market Analysis

Certainty: The medium- and long-term bullish trend of Bitcoin and Coinbase is established and will not disappear in the short term, but it is not recommended to chase high in the short term, especially for contracts.

The reasons are as follows

1: BTC has just broken through the oscillation range. In this case, there will generally be a retracement. If there is no new high, pay attention to the support below the four-hour level of 61850.

2: ETH is weaker than Bitcoin, but it has also stood on the four-hour lifeline. If there is no new high, the support below the four-hour level is 2398.

3: Exchange rate, this rebounded twice yesterday and the four-hour lifeline of 0.03932, the third time it touched, it is likely to break through, and the cottage will have spring after this indicator stands.