9.20 Midnight Views

​These days, I have been telling you about the risks. Don’t mistake me for being bearish. Those who continue to follow Xinyi know that I have been firmly bullish long before the rate cut.

​There is nothing to say about midnight. I don’t know how to fall. The bullish structure is oscillating upward. The hourly bulls break 62,600. Just pay attention to this support at midnight, and look up to 64,388. I just looked at the liquidation map. Most of the high-leverage short orders above are concentrated at this position. At the current position of 632, 80% of the short orders have been blown up. I personally think that the main force will not stop until the orders are cleared. The decline also depends on the situation. When it falls below, follow the trend!

​It is recommended to buy around 62,600 and look up to 64,388. Bring a stop loss! #加密市场反弹 #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?