The 4h-level rebound here has exceeded 63,000, and the short-term center has not diverged from the separation period, which indicates that there is a high probability that it will continue to rise in the future, and the daily-level rebound is in progress. It is not suitable to go short in the short term. The upward momentum has appeared, and the callback should be mainly long.

The current 1h level callback may still need to wait, and it should be able to go up again. The upper target is around 64500, and there should be a rebound of three buys in the future.

At the 1-hour level, the market has exceeded 63,000. The current rise in the 1-hour center departure period has stopped diverging, so the overall 4-hour rebound has not ended. Moreover, the 1h level rebound here has no end. It is expected that the 1h rebound may reach around 64000~65000, and then there will be a 1h level callback. As long as the callback does not fall below 58000, there will be a three-buy rebound. Continue to rise. The next 1h level correction is expected to be above 60500, and then continue to rise.

The overall 4h-level rebound has exceeded 63,000, so the subsequent 4h-level rebound is likely to continue to extend above 66,500. In the short term, it may be better to go long on the callback.

At the 15-minute level, the rise of the center of the 15-minute level here is already in a non-divergent state. In the short-term, there should be a 15-minute level correction. Pay attention to the retracement near 61500, and there will be a 15-minute level later. Let’s see if the rebound can accelerate to above 64,000.

trend direction

Weekly level: The direction is downward, an extension of the weekly decline. In theory, it is almost around 49,000. The limit is in the 45,000~48,000 range. Whether it ends now still needs to be observed;

Daily level: The direction is upward, and we should continue to look at the 67000~70000 range in the short term;

4-hour level: The direction is upward. The rebound at the 4-hour level has extended and exceeded 63,000, and will continue to extend to near or above 66,500;

1-hour level: The direction is upward. It is expected that there may be a 1-hour correction tomorrow, but it can still make another upward surge;

15-minute level: The direction is upward. After the 15-minute level correction, there will be a 15-minute level rebound;

In the short-term, due to the rapid changes in the market, the article can only predict the market changes at the moment of publication. Short-term players should pay attention to the latest changes in the market, which is only used as a reference.#美联储宣布降息50个基点 $BTC $ETH