9.19 Thursday Big Cake Auntie’s Stone Pan Day Summary and Silk Road Suggestions in the Early Morning

Good midnight everyone, the main body of the market during the day is still in a state of slow fluctuation and upward movement. We have taken advantage of the trend to close the space of nearly 3500 yuan through precise layout. The trend of the head is strong, and there is a high probability that the market will still fluctuate in the early morning, but we also need to pay attention to the further trend direction. Be prepared for a pullback.

Shipan’s transaction records are as follows:

First shot

The pie was 59,673 pieces, 61,957 pieces were shipped out, and 2,284 pieces were received;

Auntie 2297 yuan, 2387 out of the warehouse, received 👇90 yuan;

Second shot

The pie is 62013 yuan, 63073 is out of the warehouse, and the receipt is 1060 yuan;

Aunt 2390 yuan, 2431 out of the warehouse, received 👇41 yuan;

The price comparison on Thursday the next day completed the overall increase at about 4,000 cents. If it continues to rise today, Friday morning, it may not be able to stop. On Thursday evening, a detailed analysis of technical indicators at various timeline levels has been carried out. , the current price comparison is close to the pressure level on the 4-hour and daily charts, and often this kind of slow-paced rising trend, once there is a downward pressure, the price will basically fall in the form of a quick flood-discharging pin, and clean the market. It’s no different. At present, the price has been pulling up without any correction. It’s time for a retracement to clean up the lower market. Let’s look again at the upper pressure of 65000 and the lower support of 62000. This area There is at least 2,000 yuan of room for cleaning, so Silk Road recommends not to chase the price too much and be prepared to prevent retracement.

9.20 Friday Early Morning Silk Road


Duosi Road: Duo near the 629000-63300 area

Target: 63800-64500

Kongtan Silk Road: Kongtan near the 64500-64000 area

Target: 63200-63000


Duosi Road: Duo near the 2420-2450 area

Target: 2520-2560-2590

Kongtan Silk Road: Kongtan near the 2590-2550 area

Target: 2480-2440

(Recommendations are for reference only. The actual operation shall be based on real-time market trends and personal risk tolerance to flexibly adjust the strategy.)

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