Long story short, summarize some issues that should be paid attention to at present ⚠️

1 Liquidation part

Currently, the liquidation of airdrops has reached around 63,500, which is the pain point of the air force

The area around 60,500 below is also a high-multiple long-term liquidation area

2 Large-amount currency transfers on the chain

Both funds and currencies are estimated to fluctuate violently in the short term, which is worth paying attention to

3 News

There will be more important unemployment benefit data at 20:30 tonight, which is more important. There are other small news situations, but the impact should not be very large. Tomorrow morning on the 20th, Japan's interest rate meeting and Nikkei fluctuations will also have a great impact on Bitcoin and determine the direction of the white market

4 The trajectory of retail investors

According to the latest monitoring intelligence on the chain, cool security is going out to eat and hang out with N, which has little impact on the market. He said that water and beautiful women are the secret to keeping a happy life young. This is the goal he has been pursuing. I hope partners will work hard together.

Take a look at the driving hell mode of Shenzhen's urban villages

I also want to live in a high-end community. When can it be realized?