It's not that I can't afford to short Erbing, but it's more cost-effective to go long. Who dares to go short in this market? Of course I dare. It's just that Erbing is as hard as an old iron at the moment. From 2563 to 50, Erbing used up all my strength when I was a child, and only shorted 13 points. At this time, the benchmark big cake has almost fallen by 800 points. When there is a coin that does not follow the decline and the short position is hard, how should I choose at this time? On the one hand, I am shorting at a high position, and on the other hand, I am vigilant to continue to pull the market. At this moment, a conscientious security guard is in a dilemma.

Today, the profit has been pocketed. I still entered with a small position, but at this moment, Erbing has been increased to 200 oil, otherwise I would still be stuck at 2533. What I am considering now is whether to close it wrongly. According to the liquidation, there are still points worth clearing near 2578 above, including the short single lever near 64250 of big cake that has not been cleared. I can understand that there is still a possibility of rising. Although I am currently shorting, I don’t have much confidence because big cake is still so hard.

When a security guard who is slacking off is thinking, the whole world will make way for him, just like me who is shorting at this moment, luck should always be with me. The price of big cake has been brought down by the security army. My family, the price of second cake is really too high, I am still working hard. If it continues to go up, I will consider stop loss. A fully armed security soldier should not be stubborn and take too many orders, which is not allowed by the security base. All security guards who take orders without thinking will be expelled from the security.

As the strongest trading genius on the chain, cool security, said

A security guard who does not stop loss is not a good security guard

A person with such a small salary, why would he risk his life without stop loss.