Short-term contract traders should conduct a position check before going to bed every day. Here are some operational suggestions:#美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹

1. If the cost of holding a position is much lower than the current price and the market has a continuous trend, for each position, you can consider taking a 25% profit and setting a new profit stop point. At the same time, you can pre-arrange a position near the expected night support point to ensure that the ratio of the total position plus the order does not exceed 25%.

2. If the cost of holding a position is close to the current price and the total position is close to 25%, you should consider reducing the position to one-third and gradually arrange long orders at the support level below. Make sure that the order is included in the total position calculation. If the market fluctuates sharply, the order is not triggered or the opportunity is missed, don't worry too much, you can look for opportunities to cover the position the next day.

3. When conducting position inspections, pay special attention to the overall status of the order and existing positions. If the market is extremely extreme and all orders are triggered, it may lead to an overweight position. In a rapidly falling market, this may bring risks. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the order and existing positions to ensure that the positions will not fall into crisis due to extreme market conditions. $BTC $ETH $BNB