Using copper as a mirror, we can dress properly; using people as a mirror, we can know gains and losses; using history as a mirror, we can know rise and fall.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War says that victorious troops win first and then fight, while defeated troops fight first and then win.

"If the Fed cuts interest rates in September, it is taking a military risk, a typical example of fighting first and then winning, and it will bring serious consequences of strategic failure to the US dollar.

If the Fed does not cut interest rates, it will only accelerate the penetration of RMB. If the Fed cuts interest rates, it will make a strategic mistake. The flooded US dollar will definitely suffer a major depreciation under the condition of winning without harvesting and recovering, thereby damaging the foundation of the US dollar's credit.

Obviously, the willpower of Fed Chairman Powell and other directors can no longer support the current high interest rates.

I want to ask everyone to wake me up, forget it, and get ready for a good time to pick up chips! It is also unwise to play leverage during this period. $BTC
