The big cake market first gave a strong upward exploration to digest the favorable data of the midnight news. The current market has retreated to around 61,500, which is within our expectations. The strong rise in the morning must have been taken by everyone, and there is not much to say. After all, as long as friends who get up early will definitely chase more. So after the current market has risen, how to operate the market in the future has made many friends entangled.

  From the current market, the four-hour line has a strong big positive K diverging upward. The current K-line operation range has been pulled up to the upper track of the Bollinger Band. After the strong upward exploration in the morning, the price ratio has also given a certain degree of rest, but it has not pulled the K-line back to the middle and upper tracks of the Bollinger Bands. Then the subsequent rest will still be a strong correction. The current bulls are relatively strong on the market, so the subsequent rest will be a shock. There are opportunities for both long and short positions on the current market. The idea is still to deal with the shock idea. In the general direction, we can mainly rebound and short.

Big cake can be shorted at 62400-62700, with the target around 61000. Auntie can be shorted at 2395-2415, with the target around 2350. #美联储宣布降息50个基点 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #ETHBTC汇率新低 $BTC $ETH