I encountered trolls early in the morning. I won't tolerate you. Respect between people is mutual. Why should I tolerate it if you don't treat me well?

Yesterday I was bullish and I entered a long order. Unfortunately, my break-even position was hit.

I said it would rise last night. After landing, it rose to 61,000. I told everyone to run away when it went up to 61000. It fell back to around 59,900. Is it wrong?

It rose to 62,500 today. I told everyone not to chase the long position at around 62,300. Is it wrong? Didn't it fall back to the lowest level of 61,500?

Newbies all enter the market with high multiples. These 1,000 points can already make newbies explode. When I first got started, if I had looked at the orders I had made recently according to the trading logic instead of mindless gambling, I would have avoided the pitfalls.

I think the experience I share is useful. You have to pay to learn the trading system in the teacher community. Otherwise, who will pay you?

In addition, I admire those who share their winning rate for free in the square. Maybe it blocked the teacher's way to make money. A simple liquidation map. Bollinger Bands. You can get this information by entering the community. You may need to spend 100 oil to let your teacher help you build a bullshit trading logic. I will share how I read the order and what I use to read it. The teacher shares the point. I share the logic. The master leads the way and the practice is up to the individual. The useful people find it useful. If you think it is useless, you can go to the teacher. I don’t think this is anything special. I am a practical person. I lost my own money. I won and gave red envelopes to my friends. What are you dissatisfied with? If you don’t agree, come and do it.

ps: I am not an analyst. I am a braggart. If you don’t like to read it, just block it. The friends who can follow me don’t watch me do technical analysis. I am verbose and by the way, if you don’t like to read it, just block it. Why bother yourself? If you want to leave a message to vent your unhappiness about losing money, it will become a bullet shot at me. I don’t listen and I don’t care. Rebound! !

The Internet is not a place to poop. If you want to poop, turn left and go to the bathroom. Thank you. Everyone should respect each other and communicate in a friendly manner. Even children understand this principle. How come we have regressed when we grow up? We are all leeks. Why are we so anxious to fight each other?