Last night, the interest rate was cut by 50 basis points as expected, but there was no expectation of a US recession in the short term, so there was no sharp drop last night. It was a bit inconsistent with our expectations. Many trolls are shouting again. I still think the bear market will continue. The key is when the Ethereum bear market will end.

Just now I saw that gold and US stocks have both fallen after the good news turned into bad news, and only Bitcoin is still rising, which is a bit abnormal.

It doesn’t matter where the top is. After part of the profit-taking of the violent order at 61240 yesterday, it also hit the cost position. In the morning, the violent order at 62500 also started to make a profit! At present, the cost position stop-profit protection has been done. As long as you are not greedy, you will make a steady profit.

Some people say that I can always hit the highest point after the fact. Where is the hindsight? When the 61240 violent attack was hit, I had already thought of the position of 62500! The specific position was mentioned in the article on Monday. Wake up, trolls! As long as you are not greedy, you will definitely make a profit! $BTC #美联储宣布降息50个基点