$TOTAL2 is mainly following $ETH .

Need to test another beat with $ETH to increase strongly.

$TOTAL3 is more beautiful than $TOTAL2.

The bullish flag pattern is about to break, and if we are lucky, we can completely see $TOTAL3 break in a few days

The performance of Altcoins in the past few days makes it easy to understand why $TOTAL3 is so beautiful.

Although DOM is increasing, $BTC is jerky, Altcoins are still rising strongly, the most typical examples are $SUI, $OMNI, $DYM...

And one more thing, Onchain is currently very good, supporting a strong uptrend in the next 2-3 weeks.

Everything is in line with the FOMC plan, the FOMO market has been in place for 2-3 weeks and there will be another correction from the market in the first half of October.

Now is a great opportunity for you to trade and add more HOLD coins.

#eth #Write2Win