The market will see major changes tonight!

Pre-market fluctuations often occur in reverse, especially the interest rate results and Mr. Bao's speech. The market expects a 25 basis point adjustment, but the probability of a 50 basis point adjustment has risen to 60%. If 50 basis points are announced, it may drive the market up (the current pre-market decline can be seen as a good opportunity to build a position, and long orders are arranged to profit after the rise). Mr. Bao's speech is expected to be moderate on the intensity of subsequent interest rate cuts, and the market reaction may fluctuate like a roller coaster, because he often holds a neutral position and rarely makes unilateral statements.

For Bitcoin BTC, the short-term fluctuation range is locked between US$55,500 and US$63,500. In the long run, October is expected to rebound, so if the decline widens tonight, it is the right time to buy! Continuing the September strategy, buy more when the market drops sharply, and buy less when the market drops slightly, aiming at the rebound at the end of the year. Bull

The market starts quickly and does not allow hesitation. Be sure to stay alert and be ready to get on board at any time!