Do you believe that there will be monetary easing and capital flooding in the future? (If your answer is no, it may mean that you don’t know enough about modern monetary theory. In this case, not only may altcoin investment not be suitable for you, but even the investment logic of BTC may no longer apply.)

If you think there will still be capital inflows in the future, which public chain do you think is most likely to attract the most funds? (In other words, which public chain do you think has the most attractive ecosystem, the most interesting games, the most novelties and wealth effects, and the smoothest user experience?)

For these two questions, my answers are as follows:

1. I firmly believe that there will still be capital flooding in the future, and the interest rate cut cycle has not yet begun, so we still have time.

2. I think both ETH and SOL have the potential to take over this part of the funds, but from the perspective of user experience, ETH performs better. ETH's ETF provides a channel for new funds to flow in, and its DeFi ecosystem is more mature, which can more effectively attract large funds and create wealth effects; compared with SOL, ETH's current market discount is also more attractive.

Based on these views, I have a large position in ETH, but I also hold a position in SOL because I believe SOL will also attract some funds.

At the same time, although TON’s current infrastructure, user experience and ecosystem have not yet met my standards for "public chain value investment", I believe TON has great potential, so I am willing to adjust my investment strategy based on more information in the future.

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